Dimitry van den Berg

Dimitry van den Berg

Dimitry van den Berg is an innovative artist from Haarlem, working at the intersection of technology and art. Fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) as a creative tool, Dimitry explores the possibilities and challenges this technology offers to contemporary art. He uses a wide range of AI tools, from image generation to music composition and 3D modeling, to create works that challenge perceptions of reality and unreality.


Driven by a vision to bridge digital and physical worlds, Dimitry aims to materialize his digital creations on a human scale. His portfolio includes diverse works such as digital prints, musical compositions, and sculptures, all created with AI as both partner and instrument. This multidisciplinary approach reflects his belief that art can connect the virtual and tangible worlds, offering new perspectives and experiences.


Dimitry's art invites the audience to reevaluate the relationship between humans and machines and to reflect on the impact of technology on our perception of beauty, creativity, and authenticity. His works celebrate the possibilities that arise when human creativity merges with AI's computational power, challenging us to reconsider the future of art and expression in the AI era.