news archive 2023




Monday December 4 at 2:00am Dutch time. 
The Dead End Gallery will be a part of CNN’s Nick Watt Investigates “AI and the Future of Humanity” for The Whole Story with Anderson Cooperatively. 



Music Video Awards

Music Video Awards

Music Video Awards

We are excited that our video Cincinnati - JOHAN by Amalia de la Vega has been chosen as finalist for the Music Video Awards. See

Also officially selected for the IMVA, International Music Video Awards. Honorable Mention for Best Music Video and Nominated for Best original Song at the Indie Short Fest.





Europort 2023

#Europort 2023 has opened with a bang! 🎊 The opening summit began with an exciting introduction to the world of AI by an AI-created personality "Luc Laurent" and Constant Brinkman, Co-Founder of Dead End Gallery, the world's first #AI art gallery. This was followed by a panel discussion with our captains of industry, Ilyaz Nasrullah, Digital Strategist & Program Manager, SMASH!, Elpi Petraki, President, WISTA International , Shane McArdle, CEO, Kongsberg Digital and Sander Haas, Head of Business Engineering & Transformation, Samskip, who spoke about how AI will impact the maritime industry, now and in the future ⚓ Sophi Horne, Founder, and Nathan Baker, CTO of Seabird Technologies also discussed how AI is already assisting their business. Thank you to all those who helped us kick off Europort 2023 in style!



Museumnacht Amsterdam


Mark November 4 in your calendar, because during Museum Night, the artists of Dead End Gallery will shine! Their work will be displayed alongside that of other global AI artists on no less than 36 screens at Metrostation Amsterdam Centraal. It’s a visual extravaganza you don’t want to miss!


Featured artists: Arno Coenen, Rodger Werkhoven, Obvious, Matthias Oostrik, Amalia de la Vega, Irisa Nova, David Vijsma, Ilir Kelmendi, Sophia Perez, Maximilian Hoekstra, Kevin OConnell, Kevin Abanto, Synthetic Pink, Rogier Polman, Léon van Kuijk, Amani Jones, Rex Phantom, Jaxon Nash, Aopolis Voronin, Serenity Rayne, Dimitri van der Werf, Steven Schuurman, DD King, Anne Horel, Dimitry van den Berg, Serge Gualini, Emmett Anders, Alessio Lagreca.


Museumnight tickets are sold out unfortunately, but anyone can visit the Metrostation Amsterdam Centraal!


Museumnacht Metrostation Amsterdam Centraal - 04 November 2023 from 19:00 hrs



AI music video

We are very proud to announce the release of a groundbreaking music video created by AI artist Amalia de la Vega in collaboration with the Dutch band JOHAN.

The music video, based on JOHAN's new track 'Cincinnati,' represents a leap forward in the fusion of art and technology. Amalia de la Vega, a rising star in the realm of AI art, has pushed the boundaries of creativity. By analyzing both the lyrics and the music, Amalia de la Vega crafted the visual elements of the video and determined its style, resulting in an immersive and enchanting aesthetic experience that seamlessly complements the melancholic tones of 'Cincinnati.' The outcome is a unique artistic expression that takes the viewer on an unforgettable journey.

Amalia de la Vega, known for her distinctive and vibrant creations, remarks about the project: 'This music video embodies the power of collaboration between art and technology. It has afforded me the opportunity to explore new worlds and bring my artistic vision to life.' Listen to Amalia:

The music video is available at .



Dutch Design Week - Exposition in NatLab

On October 2021, the annual Dutch Design Week kicked off. The NatLab exhibition features 13 works from the Dead End Gallery, including those by artists such as Irisa Nova, Maxime Dupont and Emmet Anders. Would you like to see these works in person? The Dutch Design Week runs until October 29. 



Dutch Design Week Eindhoven - 21/29 Oktober 2023 

NatLab -  Kastanjelaan 500, 5616 LZ Eindhoven




Public Art

Public Art

On the cover of Public Art

We are excited that the artwork of our artist Irisa Nova is presented on the cover of Public Art magazine. And not only that, we are also very proud that 8 works by artists of the Dead End Gallery are featured in a special edition of Public Art called 'Art in the Age of Generative AI'. Our listed artists are Irisa Nova, Jaxon Nash, Maximilian Hoekstra, Maxime Dupont and Lily Chen. They are listed with Refik Anadol, Ken Rinaldo, Barbara Breitenfellner, Markus Butkereit, Memo Akten.


212 Photography Istanbul

212 Photography Istanbul

212 Photography Istanbul

The Dead End Gallery is participating in the 212 Photography Istanbul exhibition (5-15 october), showcasing works of Maximillian Hoekstra, Amani Jones and Lily Chen.



Globe+ (Japanese)

Globe+ (Japanese)

世界初のAIアートギャラリー、お抱え芸術家は全員仮想 人との共同作業で広がる可能性







Read the full article here:  (Japanese)




The art of the future is by... AI

Forget Rembrandt, a new Amsterdam gallery is exhibiting the artworks of tomorrow. Its unique selling point? All the artists are machines.

Read the full article here: (page 143 - 148)





In deze galerie is alles AI - zelfs de kunstenaars

Twee Amsterdamse galeristen jagen de kunstwereld in de gordijnen door alleen werken van artificiële kunstenaars op te hangen. Constant Brinkman en Paul Bookelman vragen zelfs aan hun chatbot om 'drugs' te nemen, om zijn creativiteit te stimuleren. Een lucratieve business, maar is het wel echte kunst? En hoe zit het met het copyright?

Read the full article: (free) subscription required



ADF webmagazine

ADF webmagazine

The end of art as we know it?

On display at the world’s first AI art gallery in Amsterdam are a series of masterpieces from an alternate universe.

True to topic, this article really should’ve been written by ChatGPT or similar software, which arguably would’ve done an equally good if not better job. Journalists and copywriters aren’t the only ones who worry we’ll soon be replaced by a robot or artificial intelligence. Love it or fear it, there’s no denying that AI is here to stay.

Another world this powerful technology is shaking up is the art world, with paintings being entirely created by AI. Although it did take a couple of warm-blooded human beings – Constant Brinkman and Paul Bookelman – to set up a physical gallery in Amsterdam to showcase the works of Irisa Nova, Amalia de la Vega, Lily Chen, and their virtual colleagues.


Read the full article:


Kunst Centrum Haarlem

Kunst Centrum Haarlem

Artistieke Impact

Nu te zien: In de tentoonstelling 'Artistieke Impact' zijn werken te zien die door Artificiële Intelligentie en algoritmes zijn gecreëerd. De deelnemende kunstenaars zijn de Haarlemmers David Vijsma en Dimitry van den Berg. Plus drie digitaal gecreëerde kunstenaars: Maxime Dupont, Jaxon Nash en Maximilian Hoekstra.

Kunst in combinatie met Artificiële Intelligentie roept vragen en soms een verhitte discussie op. Worden computers nu ineens concurrent van kunstenaars van vlees en bloed? En: is kunst gemaakt met behulp van algoritmes wel kunst?


Zie: en


Dead End Gallery

Dead End Gallery

New exhibition - Saturday 24 June 2023

The Dead End Gallery in Amsterdam is delighted to announce that a new exhibition will be opening on Saturday, June 24. This exhibit will showcase new works by renowned AI artists, including Irisa Nova, Lily Chen, and Maximillian Hoekstra. As a special addition, an interactive installation titled 'AIIA - Infinite Infusion' by Matthias Oostrik will be on display.


While the debate about generative artificial intelligence (AI) boils among artists, a gallery owner in Amsterdam has embraced AI art in a creative way to open what is claimed to be the world’s first AI gallery.


Read the full article:


Vincent Evers

Ga mee op een onvergetelijke reis en ontdek hoe AI de kunstwereld verandert in het eerste AI-atelier ter wereld, gelegen in het prachtige Amsterdam. In deze film volg je software engineer Constant Brinkman en Paul Bookelman terwijl ze met behulp van AI kunstwerken creëren. Leer hoe ze met behulp van chatgpt een kunstenaar creëren en zijn/haar profiel vastleggen, hoe ze de prompt maken en hoe AI de afbeeldingen creëert. Je krijgt een unieke kans om te zien hoe AI en menselijke creativiteit hand in hand gaan om prachtige kunstwerken te creëren. Aan het einde van de film zie je het resultaat van het hele proces: het kunstwerk, de titel, beschrijving en prijs, alles door AI gemaakt. Mis deze inspirerende film niet en ontdek hoe AI de toekomst van de kunstwereld vormgeeft.




Foto, gemaakt zonder camera – is dat nog een foto?

AI-kunst Behandel ‘promptografie’, kunstfotografie met hulp van AI, als een zelfstandige categorie, schrijft .

Read the full article on:




The world’s first AI-generated art gallery has opened in Amsterdam

Every piece of art at Dead End Gallery has been created by artificial intelligence

Written by Beril Naz Hassan


Whether you’re spooked or amazed by AI, there’s pretty much no escaping that it’s here to stay. ChatGPT and other AI tools are now writing our emails, putting together our social media posts, and creating weird yet intriguing art.

And now the world’s very first AI-generated art gallery has opened in Amsterdam. Located near other outlandish attractions in Amsterdam’s central De Wallen neighbourhood, Dead End Gallery features the inventive creations of AI machines and algorithms ranging from digital paintings to interactive installations. 


Read the full article on:




L’arte delle entità divine digitali

Ad Amsterdam ha da poco aperto la “Dead End AI Gallery”, che si vanta di essere “la prima galleria di arte prodotta dall’intelligenza artificiale al mondo”. In essa non ci sono, banalmente, opere prodotte da algoritmi qualsiasi, ma dipinti e installazioni realizzate da artisti virtuali precedentemente creati da altri avveniristici programmi informatici. L’ “artista” che va per la maggiore si chiama Irisa Nova: le sue creazioni digitali valgono fra i 3000 e i 10000 euro...


Read the full article on:



The world's first AI art gallery opens in Amsterdam

The world's first AI art gallery opens in Amsterdam but has sparked controversy in the art world.


Amsterdam has opened the very first Artificial Intelligence gallery in the world, with works created by algorithms.

Its owner says it's unique as all these technology-generated pictures have been created by fictional artists.


Full article:




The world's first AI art gallery opens in Amsterdam

The very first Artificial Intelligence art gallery in the world has opened at the Dead End Gallery in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

It features works created by machines and algorithms, including digital paintings and interactive installations.

“We are the first gallery in the world to physically exhibit AI-generated art, AI-generated artists,” says Constant Brinkman from Dead End AI Gallery. “Programmers first commissioned software to create a fictional artist," explains Brinkman how, for example, artificial artist Irisa Nova started creating.

Full article :



Culture : à Amsterdam, une galerie d'art expose des peintures créées par une intelligence artificielle

À Amsterdam, aux Pays-Bas, une galerie d'art expose des œuvres créées par une intelligence artificielle. Programmée par un logiciel, c'est Irisa Nova, une artiste fictive, qui produit ces peintures.

À première vue, une galerie d'art d'Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) a tout ce qu'il y a de plus classique. Pourtant, ses tableaux ne sont pas l'œuvre d'un artiste, mais proviennent d'une intelligence artificielle. Programmée par un logiciel, c'est Irisa Nova, une artiste fictive, qui a créé ces peintures. Malgré quelques imperfections, le propriétaire de la galerie y perçoit l'art du futur...


Full article:


The world's first AI art gallery opens in Amsterdam

Amsterdam has opened the very first Artificial Intelligence gallery in the world, with works created by algorithms.

Its owner says it's unique as all these technology-generated pictures have been created by fictional artists.


But are they really art?


Many traditionalist connoisseurs are asking that question, since there is no soul behind the work, while others have labelled the trend as a fraudulent farce which infringes on copyright.

“I like to look at it, it’s decorative. Someone will certainly be willing to pay some money for it, I suspect. But I have different requirements for art," says art appraiser Patricia Jansma. 


However, the gallery owner says whatever your opinion this is not going away and will be of value to someone somewhere.





Onderwijs van morgen

Kunst gemaakt door artificial intelligence (AI)

Vragen voor het voortgezet onderwijs:



NOS interview met Irisa NovaEen schilderij gemaakt met AI, is dat kunst?

Amsterdam heeft een primeur: de allereerste AI-galerie ter wereld, met werken die zijn gemaakt door algoritmes. De vraag is, hoe kan technologie de kunstwereld veranderen? Een taxateur vertelt of ze het ook echt kunst kan noemen.

